Navidad Familiar, Salobrena 1
Navidad Familiar, Velilla
La Resurreccion - crucifixion
St. Lucia
Gloria a Dios
Navidad Familiar, Town Hall
El pastor
The Power of Prayer
La Resurreccion - Praise the Lord
Gospel concert wk4b
Gospel concert wk 1e
Gospel concert wk3d
Gospel concert wk3b
Gospel concert wk2e
Gospel concert wk3b


Gospel concert - Spain

From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise because of your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger. Psalm 8:2

Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with tamborine and dancing, praise Him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Psalm 150:3-5


Commissioning Service - Gateway Church Fellowship .....MORE
World Prayer Center - Colorado Springs, Colorado .....MORE
St Lucia - .....MORE
St Lucia - .....MORE
Devastation in Almunecar - Almunecar, Granada, Spain .....MORE
Devastation in Almunecar - Almunecar, Granada, Spain .....MORE
Devastation in Almunecar - Almunecar, Granada, Spain .....MORE
Devastation in Almunecar - Almunecar, Granada, Spain .....MORE
Devastation in Almunecar - Almunecar, Granada, Spain .....MORE
Devastation in Almunecar - Almunecar, Granada, Spain .....MORE
The Power of Prayer - Penon .....MORE
Baptism - Salobrena .....MORE
The Lamb of God - Penon .....MORE
The Lamb of God - .....MORE
Team - .....MORE
Navidad Familiar - Spain .....MORE
Navidad Familiar - Spain .....MORE
Navidad Familiar - Spain .....MORE
Navidad Familiar - Spain .....MORE
Navidad Familiar - Spain .....MORE
La Resurreccion (crucifixion) - Spain .....MORE
La Resurreccion - (Praise the Lord) - Spain .....MORE
Gospel concert - Spain .....MORE
Gospel concert - Spain .....MORE
Gospel concert - Spain .....MORE
Gospel concert - Spain .....MORE
Gospel concert - Spain .....MORE
Gospel concert - Spain .....MORE
Navidad Familiar - Spain .....MORE
La Resurreccion - Spain .....MORE